Recovering vintage garments and reworking them in a creative way, a strategy that gives its name to the PAROSH brand, i.e. Paolo Rossello Second Hand , proves to be successful and captivating.
Clothing brand for men and women created in the 80s by the mind of Paolo Rossello, born in La Spezia, from an idea as simple as it is brilliant: customized vintage.
A boundless universe of usable material, such as scarves, military garments, sweaters, leathers, becomes the canvas for the creative flair of Paolo Rossello who transforms and redesigns the material, creating new and vibrant paths, in the center of the vibrant melting pot that is Bologna.
PAROSH emerges through word of mouth from those who frequent its workshop, and then matures and expands on the global market, focusing on fine fabrics, the workmanship of the workmanship and an ironic yet highly structured and contemporary attitude .